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Tiny Button Lichen - Amandinea punctata

Asterisk Lichen - Arthonia radiata
This can be found on smooth-barked trees at Foxglove Covert. The lichen body is up to 3cm across and the black fruiting bodies can sometimes look a little star-like.
It grows on the Ash trees at Kidney Spot Corner and you can just see a ladybird near the top right of the photograph.

Brown Mushroom Lichen - Baeomycdes rufus
The green thallus of this lichen can spread to cover whole rocks. The fruiting bodies, known as apothecia, are pink-brown or rust-brown and are sometimes sessile, but here they are on stalks. At Foxglove Covert they are found on siliceous rocks.
Firedot Lichen - Caloplaca holocarpa
Common Goldspeck Lichen or Yolk of Egg Lichen - Candelariella vitellina
Catillaria chalybeia

Rusty Calicium - Chaenotheca ferruginea
The thallus is blue-grey with orange-grey patches and the apothecia are dark brown or black. You will have to look closely to see the apothecia here. At Foxglove Covert this grows on a tree trunk near Risedale Beck.

Pixie Cup Lichen or Mealy Pixie Cup Lichen - Cladonia chlorophaea
A lichen found on soil, rotting stumps and mossy banks.

Common Powder Horn - Cladonia coniocraea
This lichen was found on a tree trunk near Risedale Beck. The podetia have very small, narrow cups or may just be pointed. The podetia often curves when growing on a tree trunk.

Fringed Cup Lichen - Cladonia fimbriata
It is quite usual to see minute brown pycnidia on the cup margins, but more unusual to see the brown fruiting bodies shown here. This was found on a fallen tree on the moor. The podetia or cups of C. fimbriata can be tiny: often only 1cm high.
Many-forked Lichen - Cladonia furcata
Cladonia humilis

Dragon Cladonia - Cladonia ramulosa
This was found growing on a well-rotted stump near Risedale Beck. A year later the stump had totally disintegrated.
Dimple Lichen - Dimerella pineti

Oak Moss - Evernia prunastri
This lichen has been used as a fixative for perfume as well as a dyeing agent. It was also used to kill head lice. Long-tailed Tits greatly favour this species for their nests.

Fuscidea lightfootii
This granulose, crustose lichen appears on smooth bark at Foxglove Covert. The circular patches are often only 2cm wide.

Inflated Lichen or Puffed Lichen - Hypogymnia physodes
The lobe ends of this inflated-looking lichen turn up at the ends and split. They often have flour-like (farinose) soredia on the ends of the lobes. The black dots on this lichen are known as pycnidia.

Tubular Lichen or Powder-headed Tube Lichen - Hypogymnia tubulosa
The lobe tips of this lichen are covered in farinose soredia in the form of pom-poms.
It is unusual to see the thallus looking so mauve: it is usually grey or grey-green.
Lecanora carpinea

Lecanora chlarotera
This lichen is very common on the trees in Foxglove Covert. The word Lecanora means ‘beautiful bowl’, from the shape of the fruits (or apothecia.)