Contact Us
Planning Your Visit
The post code for satellite navigation is DL9 3PZ
Use Google maps for directions
Access to the reserve:
Access via Cambrai Lines front gate is always possible at any time during regular hours, outside normal opening hours is by arrangement only.
You will be asked to show photographic ID on entry to the barracks.
Reserve opening times are
Weekdays 9am-5pm
Weekends and Bank Holidays 10am-4pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day
Field Centre opening times are:
Weekdays 9am - 5pm
Sundays and Bank Holidays 10am - 4pm
Closed Saturdays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day
Other Ways To Get In Touch
Telephone Numbers:
Reserve Managers: 01748 830045 or 07754 270980
Postal Address:
The Foxglove Covert Foundation
Wathgill Camp
North Yorkshire, DL11 6AH
Charity no: 1197745