Tales of the Riverbank

Friday, January 9th 2015

John has spent the last two Sunday mornings, in near freezing conditions, watching over some of the ponds on the reserve to see what wildlife was about. His efforts have not been in vain and he has recorded several species of bird, seen many Roe Deer, and taken some fantastic photographs of this Water Vole.

Water Voles were released onto the reserve during 2009. Since then they have spread from the original release sites and signs of their presence can be found around the majority of the ponds on the reserve. During the winter food can be scarce; volunteers have taken to leaving apples out around the edges of the ‘Voley Ponds’ - we have been rewarded with frequent good sightings of these adorable mammals.

(2) Comments:

Tony Crease responded on 9th Jan 2015 with...

We are just SO lucky to be able to observe these animals from two or three meters away, but their presence is a direct result of ALL the effort that goes into the reserve by ALL the different groups that contribute - from the volunteer workforce who keep the habitat in such favourable condition, the staff who keep tabs on what goes on when, the people who bring in and cut up the apples, those who have stood up to their waists in water pulling the reed mace that chokes the ponds, the woodmen that pollard the willows and prevent succession, the Thursday team that check and clear the water levels, and a whole gang of others ALLof whom in some way are part of the Foxglove food chain that facilitates the consistent achievements that everyone should be proud of.  And that, of course, includes the ringers, the photographers, the fund raisers, the grants seeker, the newsletter editor, and all the lovely ladies who so regularly provide delicious stickies, etc., for others to share.  We are fortunate indeed, and I thank you all.

mike hall responded on 12th Jan 2015 with...

lovely photo john well worth the wait in the cold

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Access to the Reserve: CLOSED Except for Organised Events & Groups

Monday 20th May 2024 |

The reserve is temporarily closed to the public except for organised events or groups. This is due to faults with the Foxglove Covert access gate. Entry and exit must be coordinated and at set times due to these faults.

Please see below for organised events. Booking is essential, as attendees will be contacted with access arrangements ahead of the events.

If you would like to arrange a group visit to the reserve please contact reserve staff.

September Wildlife Wander

Monday 16th September 2024 | 2pm-4pm

Join reserve staff for a guided walk around Foxglove Covert as the reserve transitions from summer to autumn. Spot late flying dragonflies, early emerging fungi, the last of the blooming wildflowers, and more!


Donation of £3 per person. Free for Friends of Foxglove. Booking essential.

Due to faults with the Foxglove Covert access gate, entry and exit will be coordinated and at set times. Booked attendees will be sent access arrangements via email prior to the event.


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