Species List Update

Sunday, October 13th 2013

Over recent months Richard Witham has written a computer programme which enables us to enter surveys, reports, new species and also record the monthly observations.  As with all new programmes it has had hiccups but hopefully we are now past that stage and data has been entered up to the end of 2012.  The number of species recorded at Foxglove now stands at 2269

This year, 2013, has seen several other new species recorded and these are still waiting to be entered.  The next big task will be to enter all the data from the Bioblitz weekend and the number of species will increase.

Writing this programme has required a great deal of time and work.  Entering the data is time consuming, but it will benefit Foxglove Covert.  Thank you to those who have spent time with the species list.

In a separate data bank we have records of the 103,000 birds caught and ringed in and around Foxglove since 1992.  This gives us, amongst other things, details of longevity, survivability, site fidelity, productivity and arrivals and departures of migrants.  All of this data is sent to the BTO and is considered to be the second best CES data set in the country.

To those who go 'rooting', the members of the monthly flower walk, the 'moth-ers' who identify all our moths and the ringing team, many, many thanks for all your hard work.

Some members of the flower walk team examing a fern frond that Ann had found after a scramble up the beck side.

Members of the flower walk team

The 'moth-ers' - moths, identified ones to the left, still to do to the right.

The moth-ers

The bird ringing team at dawn at the Crater.

Bird ringers at the Crater

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