Pale Tussock moth caterpillar

Sunday, September 27th 2009

This Pale Tussock moth caterpillar was found by Paul today whilst out on a net round! It had almost made its way into one of the bird bags!

Pale Tussock moth caterpillar

Pale Tussock moth caterpillar

The weather was perfect for a ringing day being quite still and often overcast. Birders visiting the reserve sometimes fail to spot the 'little brown jobs' but today produced quite a variety showing just what is around if time is taken to look carefully. No less than 296 birds ( 212 of them unringed) of 21 species were caught and processed by quite a novice team. Of these 84 were first year Lesser Redpolls so it seems they have had quite a successful breeding season.

Blackcap and Chiffchaff were still passing through and some of the young Bullfinches appeared as if just out of the nest with no adult plumage whatsoever. This year alone 194 new Bullfinches have been ringed on the reserve.

(1) Comments:

Sheila Cooper responded on 14th Oct 2017 with...

hi, We Found a caterpillar very slow crawling up a table leg. Like a fool I suggested our butterfly mesh house. I believe they wrap themselves up in a leaf and possibly takes a fortnight to change to a moth. M problem is if hatches at night what sort of food can I put in for it to feed until we let it out.

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