Meadow Management

Tuesday, October 12th 2021

Autumn is the time when all of the glades and meadows at the reserve are cut. One area close to Spigot Mere that is of international importance in terms of biodiversity is cut annually. Each year this small meadow is expanded a little bit more which means that the work involved also increases! The cuttings are raked up and removed to reduce the fertility of the soil as wildflowers grow best when nutrient levels are low.

The work that was started on the Autumn worky day is now complete and the banks of the mere are free of Gorse too (for now)!

It has been a huge team effort and our thanks go to all of the staff and volunteers who have made it possible.

The Dexter cattle on loan from Big Sheep Little Cow have played an important role in the management of both the wetland and the wildflower meadow. They have been trimming the edges of the main meadow where the tractor couldn't reach and 'poaching' the edges of the pools.

Soon they will be heading back to the popular farm attraction in Bedale to spend the winter months. The friendly trio will be missed. They have behaved well so far with just one mysterious visit to Spigot Mere on the other side of the fence!

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Foxglove Covert Local Nature Reserve is now OPEN

Monday 4th November 2024 |

The security gate, it's safety features and the communications link to the guardroom appear to be working, so we're reopening to the public.

Please check the FAQs on entrance procedures.

Birdwatching Workshop

Sunday 17th November 2024 | 10am-1pm

Improve your bird spotting and identification skills with this beginner-friendly guided bird watching session. Learn how to identicy common species, differentiate between confusion species and how to get started learning bird calls. A great opportunity to ask questions and learn alongside others.

£5 per person. Free for volunteers and Friends of Foxglove.

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