Malik and Corrie

Monday, January 31st 2022

Last weekend saw not one but two more named storms which have both caused more damage to the Foxglove forests. Once again the reserve was hit by gale force winds. This was especially upsetting to discover as staff and volunteers are still clearing up after the devastation caused by storm Arwen!

A site walk was carried out today by the Reserve Managers to identify the newly fallen trees and a new plan of work was drawn up! Priority will be given to any trees that have fallen over pathways or are close to the trails like the one shown here which is on the Green Trail.

Whilst out assessing the damage, this fungi was found on the woodland walk. King Alfred’s cakes resemble lumps of coal stuck to the surface of decaying wood. The older they get, the darker they become. They don’t rot away quickly but can remain on deadwood for years.

According to the Woodland Trust, King Alfred lived in the 9th century when parts of Britain had been overrun by Vikings. Trying to escape them, he took refuge in the home of a peasant woman who asked him to watch over her cakes, baking by the fire. He let them burn and was scolded by the woman for his negligence. It is said that embarrassed and ashamed, he scattered the cakes to get rid of the evidence. As the fungus looks like small, burnt cakes, especially as they get older, the name King Alfred’s cakes went into common use.

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Monday 4th November 2024 |

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Monday 20th January 2025 | 10am-11am

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