Eco Club

Saturday, April 25th 2015

The weather is often mentioned on the blog, with words ranging from wet, misty, hot, cold, snow and sunny to mention just a few.  Today 'the weather' had obviously realised that it was the weekend and so changed from lovely and warm and sunny to cool, windy and a hint of rain.  Wrapped up warmly and armed with dishes and spoons, a white sheet and magnifying glasses Eco Club set off to look for minibeasts.

Conifer trees were shaken, little ones

Shaking a little conifer tree

and large ones.

Large conifers

There were not many invertebratres around in the conifers but we did see some greenfly,  a pine Weevil and a 7-spot Ladybird.

Our next tree to be shaken was the Bird Cherry.

Shaking the Bird Cherry

A tiny snail, another weevil and some flies were caught.

We then headed to the outdoor classroom to look under the logs.

Hunting under the logs

Hunting under the logs

The catch here was a little more interesting.   A Smooth Newt and a Common Toad were found.  Slugs, earthworms, woodlice and some millipedes, one of which was rather long with lots of legs, were gently placed in dishes so that they could all be looked at carefully.  They were returned to their logs before we headed back to the centre for a thaw!


Thank you to everybody who helped today.  Thanks to Glennis for taking the photographs.

Later in the day the rain arrived, as forecast.  Two Greylag Geese were sitting on the duck field.  You can just see a hint of green as the vegetation begins to grow.

Greylag Geese  on duck field

These four male Mallard did  not appear to be impressed with the rain.

Male Mallard

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Foxglove Covert Local Nature Reserve is now OPEN

Monday 4th November 2024 |

The security gate and it's safety features are to be working, so we're reopening to the public.

Please check the FAQs for further information on entrance procedures.

February Winter Worky Day

Sunday 2nd February 2025 | 10am - 3pm

Join our staff and volunteers for a fun day of practical habitat management on Sunday 2nd February.

Help out with winter habitat management tasks on the reserve. Tasks may vary but can include coppicing and pollarding willow carr, creating dead hedges, ring barking and clearing scrub.

Please bring along a packed lunch, come ready for all weather conditions and bring your oldest outdoor clothes as tasks will be mucky.

Booking is essential for this FREE event.

Please note bookings close at midday January 31st.


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