Eco Club

Saturday, April 26th 2014

Our topic today was trees.  On leaving the Field Centre we looked at newly pollarded willow trees.  Along Risedale Beck we saw coppiced Hazel trees and talked about sunny glades for butterflies.  The dark conifer woodland with very little green plant growth on the ground was compared with the deciduous areas, where many different plants were growing. We counted the rings on a cut conifer, which was guessed to be about 30 year old.  The number of rings were between 30 and 35, so a good guess.  After refreshments we set out with instructions on how to measure the age and height of a tree.

We chose the old Oak by one of the small streams.  About one metre up, the circumference of the tree was measured.

Measuring the circumference of a tree

Once this was noted we could work out its age.  Every 2.5cm is equal to one year.  Our Oak is about 128 years old.  It could still have another hundred years or so to go.

Our attention then turned to the Grand Fir.  Someone had to stand right up close to the tree.

Standing close to the tree

Walking backwards to get the top of the tree in line with the tip of the pencil, proved interesting as the pencil carrier disappeared down a path!  Then the 'tree' person had to 'walk along the pencil'.  Finally that distance was measured.

Measuring the height of the Grand Fir

In old measurements 29', when converted about 9 metres.  After some thought we decided that we needed to work on the method as we realised that the Grand Fir was just a little taller than that!

Thank you to everyone who helped today.

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Monday 4th November 2024 |

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Sunday 17th November 2024 | 10am-1pm

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