Butterflies and Moths

Sunday, July 9th 2023

It is a strange year as far as recording our species goes.  Some have appeared early, some very late, some in small numbers some in large numbers.  We checked when the Dark Green Fritillary had been seen last year and it was around the 22nd June.  So we were on the hunt looking for it in all the places it was recorded last year.  To no avail.  Walking on Friday a bright orange butterfly flew overhead.  It could be nothing else other than a fritillary.

Out on the moor at least two were seen but it was very much it went that way, no the other way, it's landed over there, it's off again.  Photos were to say the least dollops and splodges.  I must admit I did get a lovely photo of a Black Knapweed where the butterfly had just taken off!

Andrew did manage to catch it and we could see its underwing and identify it as the Dark Green Fritillary.

Over the last few years the number of Narrow-bordered 5 Spot Burnet moths has increased and now many can be seen feeding on the Rayed Knapweed across the middle moor. 

Of course there is always one!

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